A supernatural Youth community that is all about Jesus!

At IVY YTH we are committed to creating a place where young people can be honouring to everyone, be passionate about Jesus and grow in their relationships with God, their peers and the team. We meet through YTH Nights, groups, socials and monthly Centrals.

NXT GEN Night is are an opportunity for the older youth and Hub to come together hear a relevant talk, worship God, play great games, hang out and encounter the Holy Spirit. A perfect place to invite their friends along and for youth to discover their God-given giftings.
The younger youth (Yr 6 - 8) have the opportunity to find a community of young people of a similar age and grow in their relationship with God. Each session begins with pizza around the table, followed by small groups / relevant talks, and finishes with an all-together game and hangout.
The older youth (Yr 9 - 11) have the opportunity to find a community of young people of a similar age and grow in their relationship with God. Each week they will connect to God in creative ways, that may be a worship session, practical sessions, Bible study or a talk. Each youth will be placed into a small group of around 3-5 young people to go deep in discipleship and what it means to follow Jesus as a young adult.
Hub is our Sixth Form and College group that meets weekly, with a focus on discipleship, and encountering Jesus through the Bible, fellowship and prayer. It’s a great place for 16 - 18 year olds to find a community and grow in their relationship with God. Each youth will be placed into a small group of around 3-5 young people to go deep in discipleship and what it means to follow Jesus as a young adult.
Socials are once a term and are the perfect space to build friendships and connections with one another. They’re an ideal opportunity to bring friends along and provide a taste of what IVY YTH is like.
On Sunday mornings the youth (Yr 6 - 9) have the opportunity to find a community of young people grow in their relationship with God, make friends, eat good food, have Bible discussions, hear talks and play games. We will head out after the first worship song which is usually around 9:45am.
Upcoming Dates

Ivy Youth NXT GEN Night (Year 9+)

Ivy Youth Group Night (Year 6-8)

Ivy Youth Group Night (Year 9-11 Upper Room)

Ivy Youth Hub

Ivy Youth Group Night (Year 6-8)

Ivy Youth Group Night (Year 9-11 Upper Room)

Ivy Youth Hub

Ivy Youth Group Night (Year 6-8)

Ivy Youth Group Night (Year 9-11 Upper Room)

Ivy Youth Hub

Ivy Youth NXT GEN Night (Year 9+)

Ivy Youth Group Night (Year 6-8)

As YTH leaders we are committed to serve the next generation so that they can be raised to be passionate followers of Jesus. We strive to create a safe place where young people can belong, grow and encounter God.
Luke Anthony
Hey everyone, I'm Luke and I have the awesome privilege of leading the YTH at Ivy Church. I have such a passion for young people to come to know Jesus and the transformation that brings. I'm married to Laura and we have 2 kids, Grace and Isaac.

We are all about Jesus and therefore want to develop passion for God, worship and the word to foster discipleship in the YTH.
We create an environment where YTH and team have honour and respect for everyone.
We build relationships with God, our peers and the team.