After facing trial by the Jewish and Roman authorities Jesus was sentenced to be executed by crucifixion. At 9 in the morning, he was nailed to a cross next to the main road out of the city of Jerusalem. At midday darkness fell and three hours later, Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last. The Roman centurions declared that Jesus was dead, and he was buried in a tomb.
In the quiet, in the disbelief, in the grief, his friends and followers were scattered, hiding and afraid wondering “What happened?” “God why didn’t you stop it?” “What’s next?” “What is going to happen to us?”
Early that morning, a small group of Jesus friends made their way to the tomb and discovered to their great surprise that the stone was rolled away and the tomb is empty. An angel said to them, "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. But go and tell others."
Jesus is alive.
The moon and stars they wept
The morning sun was dead
The Savior of the world was fallen
His body on the cross
His blood poured out for us
The weight of every curse upon Him
One final breath He gave
As Heaven looked away
The Son of God was laid in darkness
A battle in the grave
The war on death was waged
The power of hell forever broken
The ground began to shake
The stone was rolled away
His perfect love could not be overcome
Now death where is your sting
Our resurrected King
Has rendered you defeated
Forever, He is glorified
Forever, He is lifted high
Forever, He is risen
He is alive
He is alive
The ground began to shake
The stone was rolled away
His perfect love could not be overcome
Now death where is your sting
Our resurrected King
Has rendered you defeated
Forever, He is glorified
Forever, He is lifted high
Forever, He is risen
He is alive
He is alive
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
The Lamb has overcome
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
We sing Hallelujah
The Lamb has overcome
Forever, He is glorified
Forever, He is lifted high
Forever, He is risen
He is alive
He is alive
I cast my mind to Calvary
Where Jesus bled and died for me
I see His wounds, His hands, His feet
My Saviour on that cursed tree
His body bound and drenched in tears
They laid Him down in Joseph's tomb
The entrance sealed by heavy stone
Messiah still and all alone
O praise the Name of the Lord our God
O praise His Name forevermore
For endless days we will sing Your praise
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
Then on the third at break of dawn
The Son of heaven rose again
O trampled death where is your sting?
The angels roar for Christ the King
O praise the Name of the Lord our God
O praise His Name forevermore
For endless days we will sing Your praise
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
He shall return in robes of white
The blazing sun shall pierce the night
And I will rise among the saints
My gaze transfixed on Jesus' face
O praise the Name of the Lord our God
O praise His Name forevermore
For endless days we will sing Your praise
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
O praise the Name of the Lord our God
O praise His Name forevermore
For endless days we will sing Your praise
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
I was a wretch
I remember who I was
I was lost, I was blind
I was running out of time
Sin separated
The breach was far too wide
But from the far side of the chasm
You held me in your sight
So You made a way
Across the great divide
Left behind Heaven's throne
To build it here inside
And there at the cross
You paid the debt I owed
Broke my chains, freed my soul
For the first time I had hope
Thank you Jesus for the blood applied
Thank you Jesus, all my sins washed white
Thank you Jesus, You have saved my life
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
You took my place
Laid inside my tomb of sin
You were buried for three days
But then You walked right out again
And now death has no sting
And life has no end
For I have been transformed
By the blood of the lamb
Thank You Jesus for the blood applied
Thank You Jesus, all my sins washed white
Thank You Jesus, You have saved my life
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
There is nothing stronger
Than the wonder working power of the blood
The blood
That calls us sons and daughters
We are ransomed by our Father
Through the blood
The blood
There is nothing stronger
Of the wonder working power of the blood
The blood
That calls us sons and daughters
We are ransomed by the Father
Through the blood
The blood
Thank You Jesus for the blood applied
Thank You Jesus, all my sins washed white
Thank You Jesus, You have saved my life
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light